Meeting a range of needs with a rich array of translation styles
Delivering manuals of a quality that is only born of experience
For digital or for analog, leave it to us We'll propose and produce documents that perfectly match your strategy
Tel +81423265600 Contact Us
Contact us for anything related to translation, including translation of technical and legal documents, localization of manuals, translation of video subtitles, voice-to-text conversion, interpretation services, etc. Excellent quality from highly specialized translators
By standing in the shoes of the end-user and actually manipulating the products, our technical writers draw on their experience in a range of fields to produce highly readable, easy to understand user manuals for office equipment, home appliances, industrial equipment, software, and other technical products.
We can support a wide range of content creation, including product illustrations, bird's-eye views, web content, editing of TeX, etc.
Freelance translators, interpreters, etc., are wanted!